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Josh Tullock's picture

Secret Swimming Hole

Deep in the forest along the Tennessee North Carolina border lies a majestic little spot. It is tucked away by giant boulder walls and a peaceful waterfall. I have been here several times and never came across another human enjoying this little gem.

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What do you guys think? Any tips or critique?

I like it. The only thing I'd do is make a second image from this one, but crop in much closer to the falls just to see what the results would be. That's the fun of digital. :-)

To David’s point, I like this better as a portrait crop and still using the foreground rock as the lead-in. Either way nice shot man.

I like the image as is!

I would also try a few crops, but I think in this case the surrounding rocks provide so much context to the image that I think it would be a net loss for the image.

Either way, the story told here is wonderful, and I think you could tell a few more with this shot if you chose to!

Hi Josh. A composition can be tried with some elements leading the vision to the fall. while i appreciate this frame for containing the water pond element, the foreground is blocking the visual flow.