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Duilio Fiorille's picture

New member

Hello to everybody!
My name is Duilio Fiorille (DFCREATIO) an italian pro photographer, Adobe Certified Expert of Photoshop Lightroom. I wish to share some of my most recent works. Please comment if you like or dislike my posts.
EDIT: Added the third shot of the series

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Hi, welcome! I like both photos you have posted. One thing I find weird is the second photo, where the ground has shadows but I don't know where they would come from.

Hi Marisa, thanks for your message! In the second photo, which is the first of the series actually, I wanted to enfatize with the post the "path" of the mud towards the Sun and peak in the background and give more depthto the ground...do you think I put too much light difference?

I really like the first image with the crack leading your eyes to the mountains. The dry desert ground and snowy mountains makes an interesting contrast in environments captured in the same image.

Thanks Dan for your message. Yes, this lake has a lot of interesting and constrasted subjects!