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Mark Seawell's picture

As the moon falls

It is these moments in nature that I seek. A very early Sunday morning trip to Little Cottonwood Canyon about an hours drive away turned out to be worth the effort. At this time of year, the Albion Basin area has some of the most stunning wildflowers you'll ever see. Carpets of reds, yellows and purple flowers adorn the trails and my friend Jeff knew this area like the back of his hand.. He took me on a trail I hadn't been on before with a 1500 elevation gain. I was knackered afterwards but before we started our hike I captured this moment. We didn't have much time to jump out the car and getting my telephoto on ate precious seconds. Hidden by the mountains I caught this...as the moon falls.

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nice image


Man I wish we had mountains here.. Great shot

Cheers Eric!

Gorgeous (again!)

Thanks Darin! :)