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Bokehen Film's picture

Badlands Sunset [Oct 2020]

Over the years I've had at least (that I can remember) 15 differant cameras. The Canon M6 was purchased 3 years ago via Canon's refurbished site, same goes for the lenses and I've been using it since. I've found that 100mm lens works best for my landscape shots. The last outing took us to Badlands South Dakota. We drove there in the hopes of catching the harvest moon. But we disappointed when clouds set in. However not all ways lost as the day/evening before, I scouted out locations to capture the harvest moon. This happen to one of the best images from that set. I call it Badlands Sunset, but those looking ask where's the sun?. Not all sunset or sunrises need to have the sun in the picture. In this instance, the sun was setting over my right shoulder casting shadows on the adjacent mountain range. Also, I've been told I should have used a longer exposure and I agree. I also sort of wish I had hired a model during this shoot and place her one the flat ridge in the foreground with a flowing white dress.

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