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Eric Thiessen's picture


The ominous peaks of Tombstone Territorial Park looming above the low-hanging clouds at Divide lake. After a couple of nights at Talus Lake, we packed up and made our way to Divide lake for three nights. Relative to Vancouver Island alpine, the trek was relatively moderate in terrain and elevation gain. However, our packs ranged between 80-100lbs, making this seemingly easy hike into a grueling 4-hour suffer-fest. Nothing felt better than dropping my pack at my tent pad, feeling the relief off my back!

After eating a late dinner, the weather changed rapidly, and the socked-in clouds started to lift. I quickly grabbed my gear and began searching for a comp. As soon as I stumbled across this spot, low-hanging fog rolled in and created some beautiful atmospheric conditions. Our stay at Divide Lake was off to a great start!

Thanks for reading!

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Stunning image buddy!

Nice composition and great use of light to direct the eye. Well done!