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Mark Jewell's picture

New to landscape photography.. help!

i study a lot and watch a lot of videos but i'm really new to this so I'm struggling with composition and editing. I included a pic i took this last weekend in Florida. I'm sure I've overdone something or not been realistic enough. Just want some feedback to send me in the right direction

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I think this is a very pleasing image. Nice color tones and exposure is very nice.

As far as you comment "I'm sure I've overdone something or not been realistic enough" is concerned. Don't over think it; this is as much art as science, produce what is pleasing to you first!

So here is what I see:

1 - It looks to me that the building in the background are leaning to the right, I would experiment with distortion correction.

2 - There is a little too much contrast in the clouds, I would also experiment with exposure, contrast - especially in the upper right of the frame.

These are just my personal taste. Otherwise I think this in a nice composition and a good image overall!

Thank you so much for your help. I've looked at your images and they are amazing. I hope to have portfolio like that one day. I will take your advice. I didn't correct for the lens distortion on the buildings. I was using a Nikon 14-24m.

I agree with Peter on number 1. I think that it's a fabulous photo. Great job. The one thing that I would have tried to have done at the time though would have been to raise the camera higher. The top of the posts on the pier "bleed" into buildings and land on the horizon and the one post into the bridge on the left.

Thank you!! I’ll pay closer attention next time! I noticed after obviously too late!

Hi Mark! You are very self-effacing - this is a fine image as it is. There's a beautiful sheen in the water; the boat provides a nice counterpoint to the dark below the horizon.

I agree with all of Peter's and Charles' comments. My guess is that you had your lens pointed down a bit and have cropped the bottom, otherwise converging (diverging here?) verticals in the middle of the frame would be hard to explain. The bridge pylons at left tilt the opposite way to the buildings at right.

Perspective correction can introduce unwanted cropping, depending how the software implements it. Subtle straightening can be done (carefully!) with Warp/Liquify. This is easier with things like trees rather than built structures with their dead-straight lines, as it's easy to end up with unwanted curves in doing this.

I agree about the darkness of the clouds, but it's part of the drama and appeal of the scene, so there are no rights or wrongs here - it's your vision and your image!

Raising your viewpoint enough to have the bottom pile tops much lower may not have been possible, I realise.

It is a pleasing image, and well-composed with the minor, and perhaps realistically inescapable exception of the issue of the pier piles, in my opinion. I might have stepped to the right a bit, to pull the pier tip in to the left a bit. Not sure that would have worked. Keep doin' what you do!

First of all I truly like this image as is. But to offer some opinion I think I would crop out the beach and this would push the framing more to the right. For me the beach seems to take away from the over all photo. Never the less you have a great shot here. Nice work

Thank you much

Hi, Mark-- A fine start!