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Eric Thiessen's picture

The Watchtower of Asgard

Our stay at Divide Lake was a landscape photographer's dream come true. In 3 days, we had fog, sun, rain, Aurora, and rainbows. This particular day had it all. While the rest of our crew stayed around camp, I ventured out to this location along the shoreline.
As I dialed in my composition, the weather turned, and heavy rain clouds entangled the mountains in front of me. Within minutes, I was pelted with heavy rain and wind. Patience is critical in landscape photography, so with that in mind, I hunkered down and waited for the weather to ease up.
Thankfully, my patience paid off, and I was rewarded with one of my favorite displays of light I witnessed during my stay in Tombstone. Lasting no more than a few seconds, the sun beamed through the clouds and completely transformed the scene in front of me.
This is what I dreamt about for years before this trip. Dramatic, powerful displays of light complemented with epic mountains. You can call me a "mainstream" landscape photographer, but wide-angle photography in these conditions is hard to beat.

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1 Comment

Yes, the light is perfect. A great scenery! Mainstream or not, who cares? The right side of the shot is a bit dark, as nothing happens there. The light is on the left, the yellow too. Just dark peaks. They don't support, just occupy space in the frame. Would you mind to cut the off?