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Tim Leadabrand's picture

How do you all get an interesting picture with a boring sky?

Interested to see peoples methods on getting a good image on an otherwise terrible (for photography purposes) weather day, including complete overcast or blue sky.
This picture was on a very cold day this past winter in Central Oregon and there was some cloud detail but not much.

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I think that the sky in this image is fine, Tim! There's a limpid softness in it, a real sense of space, which complement the tree and other land details. The few wisps of cloud look just right to me.

I love a dramatic sky too, but I think in this case it would spoil the image. Going with what you've got usually gets the best results, and sometimes Nature doesn't cooperate with us! I think she was being reasonable to you this day.

Trees can look their best silhoueteed against a blank, cloudy sky. Blue skies can look better in mono, as you've done here.

Well, I´d say, mainly, reduce the importance of the sky in your frame. Focus your composition on the other elements.

Try shooting that at night with the milkyway just a thought.

Have you tried infrared photography? you can get some amazing results in it especially on the very bright days. Or have you tried macro/abstract photography?