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Andrew Williams's picture

Trailcam GLT

I collected the SD cards from my two trailcams over the weekend. Together they had acquired more than 4,000 images. Of these, about a third were apparently triggered by wind and weather. About half were deer. Some were neighborhood kids who go back there to do whatever they want to when their parents cannot see them doing it, and there were a few (eleven, to be precise) where our resident fox was looking in the camera's general direction. These happened in two groups on two different nights, between which a deer got curious and bumped the camera slightly out of level.

The picture with the foxes merges nine of the eleven. Masking the somewhat blurry foxes was a difficult exercise. The original B&W infrared image has been colorized using Palette.FM, I find it works better than Photoshop's colorization filter. If you are interested in this, look up Piximperfect on Youtube and watch Dinesh's video to see how to do this without having to pay for it.

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