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Kyle Foreman's picture

Fire Flies and Star Trails

Wanted to share a recent photo I took while camping in the mountains of North Carolina along the New River. I do this trip almost every year but I've never done it this time of year. I didn't think about the amount of fireflies there would be. This was a very welcomed surprise.

I might have gone a little to over the top with this but I like it anyway. I used I think 150 photos for the fireflies and using the lighten blend mode the star trails are an easy add as well. Although, some clouds rolled in which affected my star trails. I will admit I added the tent in photoshop. I felt like the photo needed something. Otherwise it's just kind of empty space in the middle. I almost set up my actual tent in this spot, and had I known the fireflies would be what they were I definitely would have.

I have a shot at f/8 for the foreground (trees/grass) but I for the life of me could not get it to blend smoothly with my firefly composite. I tried every method I could think of and nothing seemed to really work. So I just settled with the f/2.8 that everything else was shot at.

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EDIT: I cropped in some and I think this is a better composition. It's easier to see more of the fireflies.

I would agree. The first crop left a bit too much in the foreground. The second crop makes for a more
Pleasing look. I wish that I had taken this shot.


Well done! If you can try to remove the red light on the tree, and it will be super!