Hi all,
recently i found that one of my images that i uploaded on Flickr and 500px has been used by several people online. Although i'm flattered i was surprised to see it there.
i saw it on some linkedin poses, on the cover of a report of a company on that island.
The image i'm referring to is the one below of the island of Schiermonnikoog in The Netherlands.
for instance this website (seems like a tourist board) is using it:
They flipped it horizontally.
i was also surprised to see this image being offered for free on what seems russian websites:
I'm not sure what can be done for the russian website, but have any of you experienced this as well?
How can i have it removed form the russian sites?
Would love to hear your advise and/or comments.
thank you.
Check out, “The Copywrite Zone Guys”. They have a good book, plus some videos on B&H.
There are copyright lawyers that work with photographers exclusively. You’ll find them on google.
Thanks Darin and Lee.
What can be done nowadays to protect images? With AI a watermark is easier removed than created.
Only thing i can think of is uploading them either in low res, or not uploading at all.
How do you handle this?
The watermark is irrelevant. What matters is whether you’ve registered your picture with the copyright office. Once registered, any unauthorised usage is backed be legal/monetary consequences. If your photo is unregistered, you still own the copyright, but your ability to collect damages is nil.