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Espen Restad's picture

What do you think?

My first post on this forum. Would be cool if you guys could give some feedback on picture.

Thanks in advance!


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v.v. nice, only you could have gone forth of the cliff and avoided the grass.

I could, but i'm scared of heights and got scared of the 1500ft drop off...

but still, thanks!

Very nice Espen! I'm just wondering what feeling you're mostly going for, because the cool clouds give it an almost surreal ocean feel, where-as if you are trying for a sunrise/sunset I would possibly suggest warming up the temperature of the clouds slightly.
It all comes down to personal preference, but either way I love what you've captured.

For some reason the fog dipped down and got lower when it got into the fjord, so it was a natural shadow occurring, never thought to try to balance it out.