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Darragh Sinnott's picture

Just introducing myself to the group and posting past work.

I figured I would introduce myself and leave a photo for critique,

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Hi and welcome :) Interesting shot. I reckon with a bit more work in post (bottom left of the frame) and a better B&W conversion this could be a decent image. Is this a crop from a bigger image?

No, Full frame on a 35, unfortionately all I had on me was Ilford FP4. Would have much rather had T-MAX or TRI-x. The dark areas around the left corner are from the enlarger. I have a few different versions of this but I am fairly unsatisfied with it atm. I am in the process of re-digitizing alot of my work as my files are a mess and I have 10+ years work on silver and scattered over 5 or 6 different drives. I'll post as I finalize things.

Ahh I see. I prefer the other shot you did of this in your portfolio (some nice images in there btw) that I preferred to this one. Got to love a bit of film photography! I think it's the fact that the path isn't that well defined that skews this image for me. If it wasn't there at all I'd be like "Wow, that's interesting a door in the middle of nowhere" but as it is - not so much, but I do like the "feel" of this shot.

I really like the feeling here and have shot a number of similar images. For a few months, I was in the mood to document old, abandoned, and rural houses.

Still love film too, just can't afford it. My old Pentax K1000 is right here beside me. :-)


Oh, I should have added that's on the beach a few mikes from where they shot the intro to saving private Ryan. There is a lot to shoot on that strand. Desolate in the winter too.