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Max Thilen's picture

Ship Rock

Wanted to share this shot I got at sunrise at Shiprock, NM the other day. Would love to hear any critiques!

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Hi Max,
This can be a great place to shoot. In your case I find the sky to plain and there is to much of it in the image. The sun placement and decision to stop down to get the starburst effect is nice. I might suggest cropping as much of the sky out as you can, looking at it as a B&W, and increasing the constrast to bring out the details of the foreground and rocks. I took some liberties to show what I was thinking.

My thoughts exactly, if maybe you did some work in post to bring out those clouds on the right hand side of the rock to add a little bit of interest to the sky and cropped it down a bit, it would be a much nicer image (IMHO).

What do you guys think of this? I can still go in and crop but mainly what do you think of the work to blend an additional stop down of highlights? Getting printed as a gift for my moms birthday, want it to be as good as possible!


Hi Max, I added a grad to the sky and did a minor crop and I think it's getting there. Obviously very rough and I paid no attention to the details but you get the gist of what I'm thinking.