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Joe Watson's picture

Minque studio shoot

I've recently starting helping a local music charity, doing press photographs for some of their young emerging artists. Glad to put my skills to some charitable use.
This is the first time I tried out using gels, and also the first time I've used frequency separation for retouching. Really happy with the end results and wish I'd got to grips with frequency separation sooner... but is it the best it can be? As always your thoughts and ideas are welcome, cheers.

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Looks pretty good, maybe a bit tighter crop and it looks like the focus is on the back eye instead of the front one. Maybe it is the lack of a catch light in front eye. Might try bringing your light down/around slightly to get that catch light in the eye. Looks like a great opportunity for you and the artists.

Thanks man, everything is pretty tight focus wise as it was shot at f8.0... I think you're right, it's the lack of catch light. Think I could've done with a third light directly in front for those catchlights, but just wanted that soft gradient on the face.
I like the one below too, just picked the one I'd posted as I liked the pose.

Stop clipping your blacks... and back off the skin a bit... pores are an endangered species these days... don't be the one to make them extinct. xoxox

Thanks for your thoughts man. Aye the black is pretty heavy. As the the pores, they're there... just not sure you can really tell from this image. I don't normally do a lot of post on skin, but it needed it this time around.