Another self portrait of me with my basketball, Wilson from the film Castaway.
I love ultra wide angle even in portraits to express the quirkyness of character and to try and break from the norm.
The shadow on my right arm is from the rising sun causing a shadow from the basketball hoop pole thingy.
Would love your thoughts :-)
Most images of basketball follows the same directives in terms of composition, light and colors. Here you have been successful to create something different from the mass. Therefore I give you a thumbs up. Thank you for sharing :-)
Thanks for your input Carl, much appreciated :-)
Not sure if Meh.... is good or bad but thanks for taking the time to comment :-)
Retouching out the shadow on your right wrist would lift the shot up a notch. It should be trivial to do - copy to the shot to a new layer, tweak the curve to get the shadowed skin to match the rest of the arm in the original layer, then mask.
I'm not the best photoshopper in the world but may give it a go after your suggestion, thanks for taking the time to give me your views, much appreciated
The thing about post is that there are so many options that when you start you're bewildered. But it isn't that hard once you begin to get a feel for it. So if you want to learn, just put up an image occasionally, say what you'd like to do, and ask for suggestions. After a few times you'll begin to feel comfortable and can experiment.
Looking at your style, which is very dramatic, learning post will help you!