Hey guys, Just put together this portfolio. I would really appreciate some CC and will happily return the favor.
Hey guys, Just put together this portfolio. I would really appreciate some CC and will happily return the favor.
Where shall we begin....
Too far from your subject. You want see them, their eyes, and make the shot about them, not the overall scene.
The lens flair is often nice in a wide angle landscape, but not for portrait work. It is a distraction from the subject and does nothing to enhance the overall look of this shot.
The color appears to be somewhat skewed toward a green channel. I would try something a little more natural.
For the good things and there are almost always good things to say. :-)
I like the pose of the models. Him looking at the camera and her watching him. Would have been a nice pose if the framing was closer.
Just my thoughts....for what they are worth.
Thank you Craig!! I appreciate the comments
As a documentary snapshot it works showing the behind the scene setup, but as a portrait you need to get in closer to the subjects otherwise the whole scene is just too cluttered and the viewer's focus is not really directed at the subjects so it tends to wander all over the scene. Also the subjects are not exposed correctly as they are in the shade and should have gotten 0.5 to a full stop more exposure.
Thank you! I really appreciate the comment!! especially the note on the exposure being low on the subjects. However Im more looking for you guys to follow the link (binghamproductions.squarespace.com) and tell me what you think of the portfolio I have put together as a whole. If you could do that I would be extremely grateful! Either way I really appreciate the comment!!! Thank you!!
Looking at your portfolio a few things strike me at first...
* I would move the image from the home page to the About page.
* I would make the Portfolio page the home page
* I would make a list of your 5-10 very best photos and put them first on the portfolio page, to hook people into seeing up front what they can expect from you, and then put the categorized images in different galleries that visitors can then browse.
* The blog looks nice although it threw me for a bit that I couldn't enlarge the thumbnails by clicking them. And if you're going to use the word blog, remember to keep it updated at least once a week, otherwise you may want to call the page something else like "In Depth" or similar that doesn't imply a regular updated page.
* Contact - using a contact form is iffy, some people like it others hate it like the plague, myself I can see both pro and cons - but at the end of the day I tend to lean on just providing a business phone number, a postal address and an email address (make at least the email address an image to prevent too easy harvesting by spammers though).
thats a really good advice sir...Thanks alot
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate this!!
A lot of great shots in your portfolio!
Thank you!!