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Emmanuel Jackson's picture

In desperate need of travel

Hello world! My name is Emmanuel (Eman for short) I am a 16 year old aspiring artist, traveler and photographer based in Elyria Ohio, though I've never traveled outside the states I wish to someday be able to do so and to inspire some of you along the way, I love to draw however The desire to travel the entire world has overtaken me in many ways, since I don't get out the house much, I take pictures of the little things In life that I find beautiful(like a building or a plant for instance) For if you look around you'll be able to see the entire world is like a canvas and its the smallest details that leave the most impact. Hope to get in touch with some of you guys someday, and that you like my photos, Though I'm no where near the professional level of photography I hope they look somewhat decent, thanks for everything ♥️

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