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Ed Alexander's picture

First Wedding

I'm shooting my first wedding soon, I've done a few engagement shoots which turned out well and I think I have prepared at much as possible but any last minute words of advice?


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Hi ed, i just shot my first wedding last month and i will tell you to try and relax, and embrace the moment. .. One of the things i did before the wedding day was work on a check list. ...cameras, batteries, check the flashes, your lenses, make sure you have additional sd cards. I also took a trip to the location to see the layout, in and out. This way you can pick your spots for the shoot. One can only work with the what they have in terms of location. ..just choose your angles and make it happen for them, and you. Have fun!

Aside from camera gear, bring water and a small snack. Whenever you get a chance to sit down, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN. You'll be standing and walking a lot. And don't be afraid to take charge when doing family photos, you can be loud without being rude.

I may be too late but my biggest suggestion is to bring an assistant. So many people try to do their first one alone and it's a big mistake.

Hi chaps, sorry for the delay but thanks for all the comments and advice. The wedding went really well considering it was my first and the couple didn't sit down with me beforehand to go through the schedule (I did ask numerous times). But I learned a lot, firstly was to be on the ball and be aware all of the time of when and where the key moments are happening. I kind of missed a couple of the minor moments but nothing major. Secondly was know your camera really well as I had to suddenly change settings completely in seconds (long exposure venue shot to bride and father first dance inside!). Oh and Tom I did get a brief sit down but my legs the next day felt like they had run a marathon!

Anyway I'm looking forward to the next one as I really enjoy it as it was a buzz getting a cool shot and showing the bride the pic on the camera. I've attached a couple of shots, would love some critique. Cheers, Ed