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What marketing techniques have been most successful for you?

Share what marketing avenues you are perusing and which ones have been most fruitful for you. I have been experimenting with very specific targeted Facebook ads, which have gotten some interaction, and clicks to the website but no direct bookings that I can discern.

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The best thing I have ever done for my business was working with a professional copywriter for the text on my website. Hands down. It has helped me stand out, and attracts my ideal couples. I have good word of mouth referrals, and I've been working really hard on my SEO, as well.

We gave up facebook advertising as it was just a waste of money.

Upload a photo a day or two after the wedding (sooner the better) , tag the couple and just add a little comment saying "Keep checking back in the next few days for updates!".

The photo then tends to get lots of comments and in turn all their friends see it. A good photo can generate us alot of traffic to our page.

In terms of the website, Jamie nailed it - pay a copyrighter/ someone boss as nailing the SEO in clever text you want to get across. Google organic is the way to go.

I've tried almost everything, but the best is referrals and repeat customers. paying for advertising on a site with a link to my site hasn't done much for the amount of money i pay for the advertisement.
always looking for out of the box marketing, but they all seem to be the same. i still like word of mouth and social media. if anyone have other ideas please share, thank you in advance.

Ranking high in google in my area. I dont really care about getting much traffic, just the kind of traffic that is searching for what i have to offer. Ive weddings booked for almost the entire summer (10 weddings) from getting an average of 2-3 visits per day.

I notice one amazing thing happening, and it makes sense. That's getting the exact clients I want by posting a portfolio of only photos that portray the work I want to shoot more (i.e. outdoor weddings and seaside locations). You get what you put out! I don't know how much of a 'marketing' technique this is, but it's working to attract my ideal client. Do not put something on your site that may be a great photo but isn't the type of work you want to shoot more of :)