Photographer Markus Reugel displays hero like resolve and creativity when it comes to his ongoing series titled, Refractions. Managing to capture amazingly clear liquid art images that almost seem supernatural one can only imagine how much time and patience he has to put into each shot. No wait, you don't have to imagine because you can see for yourself in the photos below.
Markus was nice enough to give me some of his backstory when I contacted him to get permission to post his work. A 33 year old father of 2 from Schweinfurt Germany and working with parquet layers by day, Markus, started shooting 3 years ago to get some good photos for his family album. But as time went on his hobby became a passion.
Markus Reugel: "My favorite genre is the macro photography,especially the high speed photography with it I can show the beautiful things we don´t consider in our life. Or we are not able to see them with our eyes. To balance the technical aspects of the highspeed pictures I love to work with old m42 lenses, and capture flowers or insects. This is photography in pure culture...
The Hardest thing is to set the Focus on the right point. The light is very important for a good results. When you fire the flashes without any diffuser, you will get some very hard light reflex in the drops. These will destroy the picture. The goal is, to bring depth with the light into the drop ."

Are you turning out some crazy !% in your backyard, kitchen or basement? We'de love to see it. Send your homegrown masterpieces along to and we may feature them here on Fstoppers.
via [Maianer's Photostream]
From Kenn:
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nice and thanks for backstage pics
this is awesome, great way to update the typical water droplet photo.
awesome post
patience* tho not patients
Damn it! I'll have to change that before the wife sees. I always get that backwatds and she is always nailing me on it. Thanks Jim.
I have not been able to see any of the photos your website has posted in the last week or so. All I see is a bunch of lines. It looks like a 1px tall version of the photographs.
Get a decent browser and try again ;-)
proof that vivitar flashes are "infinite"
(in photography terms)
Not seeing the photos on this post either... using Internet Explorer 9.... darn!