Darren F's picture

Natural Arch

This photo was from a trip to Queensland. Balancing the light between inside the cave and outside was tricky and I fired a flash to get some detail out of it.

Also inside the cave were glow worms, so this visit was well worth it.

Canon 60D
18mm · f/9.0 · 2s · ISO 100
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This is a great shot & find! Kudos.

IMO (and humble one at that) you may want to crop off more or less of the exterior of the cave, maybe leaving a smaller sliver/trace in the frameof the light spill (photoshopped or otherwise). Or, instead, make the exterior ldaylight more dramatic? As there is a tension in the mood of the photo, or there is to me least.

Thanks Adam.
I tried a few cropping options and this one worked out best as I wanted enough natural framing to give the feeling of being inside a cave and looking out.