Johanna Herbst's picture

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Dear Ms. Herbst,
It was clear this image was special as soon as the thumbnail scrolled into view. Viewing the full size image some of the reasons were immediately apparent. The positive and negative space, the distribution of the color of the leaves and how it blends into the texture of the hair, how that frames the face and flows into the folds of the cloak, and how that color brings you to the eyes. Those eyes! How they look right through you and then the barest hint of a smile forming at the corners of the mouth.

The skill of the photographer and the artistry of the retouching are most evident in their subtlety and restraint. Where many might insist on smoothing the skin under the eyes and removing the freckles across the bridge of the nose, here they are left to add texture to the character of the subject.

There isn’t a single thing to add to this image or any element in the image that doesn’t contribute to the overall composition. Exactly as it should be. The extremely well done made to look effortless.