benjamin lecomte's picture

Manon and Stacy from MadPussyGang performing fire eating !

After the group saw photos i made of them at a event, they contacted me to know if i was interested to make a photo-shoot in witch they would perform fire eating.
Interested to practice such shooting i agreed and the next WE we did it.
This photo is the first of the shooting.
It was taken with a canon 5DMark2 and a 24-70mm2.8L.
I knew from the picture i made at the event that small flames like those one, to get a nice texture needed to be taken with high speed but would not be powerful enough to light my subject so i used a profotoB1 with a orange gel and a 1/3foot softbox.
The B1 allowed me to shoot at high speed 1/4000.
I removed the front panel of the soft box to gain in power and to get a harder light that also why i chose a narrow box to limit the spread of light and match what a small flame would do.
The high speed also allowed me to get in the dark even if the place where we shoot it was pretty full of natural light.
A profotoB2 wouldn't had enough power as i used a gel and was in HighSpeed mode.
You can see a BTS video made by a girl from their group here : https://www.facebook.com/madPgang/videos/361329764253552/

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