Ryan Barlin's picture


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I feel like a shot like this has potential, but it really brings it up a notch if you make the viewer feel like they're engaged with the animal, either by having the animal look directly at you into the lens or by getting down on the animal's level. This generally gives a better sense of intimacy to photos of animals and small children.

And try not to crop out the tongue, since that is part of what conveys a dog's personality to the viewer.

I see you have another photo of a dog in which you are probably crouched right next to it on the couch. That shot is much more engaging, because it doesn't feel distant. It's very warm and personal.

I know you didn't ask for critique, and feel free to tell me to go shove it, but I just thought I'd give my humble opinion so, if you get low ratings on this particular photo, you won't be scratching your head or throwing your keyboard.