Joakim Rostom's picture

Olive tree

At the dinner table at home there has always been olives on the table. My dad is probably the only one who eats them, but they are there anyway. Day in and day out. The olives we get in Norway mainly come from Greece. A country that has characterized European culture for years. In 2016 I went to a Greek island called Samos. This was one of the first stops for refugees from Turkey. The country's economy has become worse and worse and unable to cope with the refugees, but this has happened before. The economy of Greece has always varied. And the only thing that has not really changed so much is the environment and the culture. Olive trees can grow up to 2000 years old. They have seen what has happened to the country and guarded the Greek coast for all years. In one way you can see the faces of the Greek gods from ancient times in the trees. Tired old gods guarding Greece
- Work In Progress

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