kureng dapel's picture


In traditional African societies, culture has a negative influence on how women are treated. Discrimination against women tend to seek justification in cultural moves, beliefs and practices This picture was inspired by the story of Queen Amina of Zazzau. Queen Amina is hailed as a brilliant military strategist and warrior who performed incredible feats leading her troops into battle, conquering new territory and fortifying the kingdom of Zaria. Her exploits earned her the moniker "Amina, daughter of Nikatau, a woman as capable as a man".Today, her memory represents the strength of womanhood and she inspires African women to RISE above the inequality and discrimination around them.

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This is a sick image! Love everything about it. The only critique I could give is I feel like I want the subject to be larger in the scene since it's so epic. As a small thumbnail I knew this image was going to be awesome but it was still kind of hard to read quickly if that makes sense. Keep up the good work

thanks so much for your time and critique. i will improve on that