Rudi Sørstrønen's picture

In for landing

It's not often I photograph birds, but when an opportunity presents itself - why not try.
Heard this little woodpecker in a local forest when I was out and about with my camera. I think spent almost an hour watching it fly back and forth between this dead tree and a pine tree, with pinecones to eat from. It used the top of the tree as a stand for the pinecones, while it picked out the seeds.
It took a while before I recognized a pattern and managed to catch it in flight, beacause they are really fast when they take off.
Here I caught it coming in for landing with a new pinecone.

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Spot on Rudi!

Takker! Har aldri forstått fascinasjonen for fuglefotografering før denne opplevelsen. Var en artig og krevende øvelse å fange den i luften.