Jeff Varga's picture

Star Jack

There's 2 things I love. Sci fi and advertising concepts. Starting with a short sci-fi film I'm producing that's used to pitch a TV series concept, I decided it needed a poster to accompany the package. I used to shoot posters for independent producers back in the 90's. Somehow I had gotten away from that after Dimension Films had "borrowed" a concept I originated without credit, which later became the Scream movie poster.

This is shot with 2 Neweer 400watt/second strobes I just got in 2 days earlier for testing (so far delighted) from 45 degrees behind on each side. It's shot with a 14mm Rokinon lense stopped down to 5.6. I tried various heights to get the feel right. I shot at different heights and was settled on using another shot, but a fellow filmmaker pointed out that while much better in some respects, the torso ended up looking like a little kid. I completely hadn't noticed that. But, once a fresh pair of eyes looked at it and pointed it out to me, it was obvious. That practice of either going away and coming back weeks later to look at something or using a 3rd party to look at it fresh, has been a professional practice that has served me well.

The costume I constructed from bits and pieces of disposable items from Goodwill - toys, leather purses etc. Since the costume was built for my body fit, I ended up shooting on a 10 second timer. It was challenging peering out through the dirty lenses of the mask to try and see if everything was lined up right.

5D Mark II
f/5.6 · 60 · ISO 1200
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