Irene Rudnyk's picture


Canon 5D Mark III
85mm · f/2.0 · 1/1250s · ISO 100
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I saw the picture and though to myself "This looks like an Irene Rudnyk photo". Then I saw the name above lol. Awesome picture, as usual! I would love to shoot with you someday! Cheers from Uruguay!

I adore this shot!

Like a pride of lions

Amazing Photo !

How did you get everyone in focus at f/2.0 ?

Insane! Love the posing of the girls.
Really great shot! They will love it in some years.

Irene , that's a really beautiful shot . They remind me of shy lost kittens. Nice.....

Fantastic shot, Irene!

I'm curious about the lighting. Was this purely natural light or was flash or reflectors used?

Incredibly angelic ;)

Beautifully smoochy pic. How did you get everyone in focus at this aperture ?

such a calm setup in a good way