This will always be my favorite self portrait. 2018 has been the year of swallowing my pride and my "coming of age" year. I went exploring in an abandoned hospital but was unhappy with the photos I took there, but as I was leaving saw this tree on the outskirts of the property. I've always been a fan of nude art, particularly nudes in nature. I believe nudity is meant to compliment, and mimic, nature. Through my self portraiture I've learned to become more comfortable with my body and more accepting of how it is.
I am envious of anyone who lives where there are abandoned buildings to explore. The very few in my area are so tightly closed that no one can get inside (without breaking laws) just a little too clean for interesting photos.
I'm actually shooting with a small, local indie film company and we're having a difficult time finding a building to use as our "killer's lair." :)
Nice image, although it's no surprise that I'd like to see a B&W version (and I'd probably love it).