This business related set is one of 6 sets with overall 34 different watches to shoot.
I build one set after the other, but the results didn't setoff myself as a photographer. So I dumped all the pictures, rebuilt the sets and captured it again. This set was 100% the simplest to build and light, but the outcome is the best.
This is shot with natural light and the camera setting were ISO 100 / 1/3s / f8 at 50mm. It turned out quit dark, but it really delivers a mood of how this watch can bring some elegance into your workday.
For the RAW process I use CaptureOnePro, because it gives me so much possibilities in color, UI and so on.
I export them to Adobe Photoshop for my retouch work and then back in COP I give them their final look. Add contrast, change colors, and give them their final lighting with some masks and curves.