Nicholas Venecia's picture

Cristo Rey

There is a parking lot on the side of the University of Texas at El Paso which overlooks the border wall that separates Texas from Juarez. On the U.S. side of the border is a mountain named Sierra de Cristo Rey and on the top of the mountain is a huge cross where people pray and masses take place. In this picture, you can see the mountain in the background and the sun rays coming from behind it.

Canon 60D
24 · f/2.8 · 1/160 · ISO 200
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Great shot with nice lighting. Yes it is sad about the cross. Ireland has much lovely scenery that has been destroyed by religious crosses and statues. If not, there is generally a phone tower.
I will follow you and look forward for some more great shots.

I just looked at your profile and you do some awesome work! Just gave you a follow! I'm looking forward to seeing more great shots from you too!