Hugo Valle's picture


The day seemed boring to take pictures, the sky was flat and without many incentives, nothing I could not get any other day, but the forecast was that it was going to snow, but even, and when it was time to eat, the first clouds; Without thinking much, I take the car and go to the valley of Tena, my purpose was to photograph frozen Lanuza, but something distracted my attention.
The clouds came and went fast, everything went very fast, everything changed, the light came in and went away in seconds, quickly revealing and hiding Foratata, leaving a few moments left for the memory in my memory and luckily on my cards.
You have to be prepared, you have to be fast, take advantage of what happens in front of your eyes because in an instant it fades and never comes back, and you do not think about it very much, and if you prepare for the next moment.

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