Hugo Valle's picture

Plans Milkyway

Legend has it that the soul of a Muslim woman, who was fleeing the war between Moors and Christians, was trapped in this ibon after losing herself.
They say that the night of San Juan, out of its waters, dressed with snakes of all colors and adorned with jewelry.
Not all of us have the privilege of being able to see it, only those who possess a pure soul and a clean look will get the aforementioned night, enjoy their presence when leaving the waters of the Ibon de Plan.
And as such, tonight I tried, but I did not see her, never come back to try again, the soul that populated the Basa de la Mora did not interest me, I had met another queen, more unique, more exlcusive, which already I knew that it captivated those who watched and photographed it, we know it as Via Lactea and it is accompanied by a regiment of stars that shine behind it, making it even more beautiful. I know that this summer we will see each other in the darkness of the new moon nights, more than once, more than other times ... I promise.

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Espectacular Hugo.. otro gran trabajo desde luego

Muy buena Hugo!

muy guapa Hugo!

wow no paras eh jejeje another awesome shot

Tremenda Hugo

muy guapa tio!

Muy guapa tío!

precioso trabajo !