Kelvin Liew's picture

Mosquito Macro Photography

For real, mosquito is by far the hardest insects to shoot, I mean if you want to get a full body in focus; I have stacked 30+ images to come out with an image like this.

I shoot 4 angles of it and 2 of them failed. Shallow depth of field can be overcome by using focus stacking in photoshop, but any insignificant jitters movements will ruin the focus stack. Mosquitos are so light, so it does not allow even a tiny minor wind hitting on them, if their legs are moving while I shoot that 30 images, this batch of images will not work in focus stacking. I used paper to cover them up and shoot them inside that small paper box that I build, and of course I had to turn off the fan and windows.

Sony a6500
50mm · f/16 · 1/30 · ISO 100
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