Bill Mcdad's picture


Social Distancing.
Jewelry held in front of the lens. Sunlight

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I would crop off the bottom of the photo to show less of the thigh as that's a distraction, and I'd blur more of the background.

I don't find it distracting at all. Perhaps that's more of a personal thing? ;)

All criticism, whether of photography or any art, is personal. I, for instance, don't like much of anything about this particular shot but quite like some of Mr. Mcdad's other work.

See that winky face? There's a reason it's there.

I understand the winking face very well, employing it frequently. Its purpose in your comment, however, eludes me; I'm not very bright.

Beautiful, love this.

Thank you so much!

As always, inspiring shots!

Thank you very much!