Cody Swann's picture

Essential Florist

I was visiting family in Houston, TX when the wave of Coronavirus exploded in the United States. Through my travels, I've been able to document on film the ever-changing landscape (both social and physical) of Houston as it has slowly, but surely shifted to the precautions being taken near and far.

In this particular image, a medical worker stops into a flower shop to pick up flowers for a patient before starting his shift at the hospital.

You see, as family members are not allowed to visit their COVID-19 positive relatives, the role of caretaker takes on a new meaning for those in the medical field. In 2020, not only must hospital staff nurse the sick back to good health, but they must also lift the spirits of their patients in place of missing loved ones.

Simply put, if you're working in medicine throughout this pandemic you've become stand-in family members for those unfortunate enough to be exposed to the Coronavirus.

And in unprecedented times like this, I can't think of anything more essential than family.

Minolta Freedom Explorer
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