
What would she prefer?
What will refuse? What kind of music will not sound, giving the right of another to become a dance, a smile, tears? And if I don’t guess and for a few minutes the said notes will be overthrown, they will overthrow the promise of continuation into a weary awkward infinity — to a pause, hope to guess this time? Or... never mind, dance!

This artwork is part of "Shotland" project. Shot at Kamchatka immersive performance.

Kamchàtka is an artist collective of diverse nationalities and disciplines who’s members first met in Barcelona in 2006. Driven by the same interests and concerns and under the artistic direction of Adrian Schvarzstein, they started training intensely in group improvisation on the streets of Barcelona and researched the subject of immigration. Barcelona… an ideal city for confronting a society laden with contradictions and immersed in profound problems of integration.

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