jabi sanz's picture

Rain forest

One oh these places that I did not know but thanks to the confinement and not being able to leave my province, I was lucky to know amd take this picture. I hope you like it guys

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Impresionante amigo

Muchas gracias colega

Fantastic capture amigo !

so glad you like it, thank you so much

Pure magic buddy, so amazing!

So glad you like it bro, thanks a lot

Love the choice for this composition. Many photographers probably would just go near the waterfall itself and shot the waterfall. But the choice to keep this exact distance around these rocks and somehow not show the whole waterfall make the viewer imagine how they make the walk to there. Great perspective. Good lights, Top edit, and great eye for details.

Really appreciate your kind words man. Thank you so much for stop by and comment. Wish you a good day