Zig Hampel's picture

Je Suis Prêt

On a beach in Mexico, the locals protect the turtles' nests from predators and people looking to snatch up the eggs. During our visit, we were told it was too early for the turtles to be hatching. Walking around the protected nesting site, I immediately spotted a half dozen little guys desperately searching for the sea. We picked them up, and brought them to within 10 meters of the ocean. If they do not cross the sand to the surf themselves, they won't know to which beach they should return to nest when older. This is the calm little guy I carried in my hand, seemingly unfazed by the violent surf and infinite ocean before him.

Indeed, I was lucky to get him not wiggling like crazy for a moment to take this shot. Shot with my Ricoh GR @ f2.8, August 2014.

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