My wife and I enjoy the solitude of the Uintas. You can go a very long time without seeing another human being, without the sounds of man, the worries of a planet that seem to inch a bit closer every day no matter how hard we try to close the door. Here, in the presence of the land we are free from the tyranny of daily life and I will continue to treasure these sights, these experiences, these moments...reverence.
If only you could have been hiking down a trail that had a more spectacular vista. This one is alright, I guess.
Agreed! Another "ho-hum" view of very big rocks!
Hardly worth lugging your camera all the way out there. I think that somewhere, Ansel, is smiling.
Sometimes when i'm really huffing it I think about Ansel trying to get that 8X10 up and down a mountain. I know he used mules but I'm sure that wasn't always an option. You do what you must to get the shot.