Jasna Vukos's picture

Psycho - Hotel room 01

This photo is part of the series of self-portraits in hotels called ATOPOS. I use hotel as a concept (flowing, temporarily anonymous place) to set the scene that inspires us to consider identity as a construct, and to set it free from semblances and restrictions (national, social, family). My identity has been shaped by the experience of living as an immigrant in different cultures and countries. I have come to understand the identity as a continuous flow, a journey, and an escape from any definition, rather than something assigned to me by birth. Through this journey, hotels have represented places of transition where concerns of identity are erased.
Formally the photos also reflect the artificial nature of these two concepts. They are not spontaneous, "natural", moreover, they are realized in a process that involves "setting the stage", artificial lighting, placing oneself in a "non-place". They are reminiscent of movie scenes.

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