Antoni Murano's picture


I have been blessed to bear witness to a breathtaking epoch in the grand tapestry of modern photography. Oh, the marvels that unfolded before me, like a mesmerizing dance choreographed by fate itself. From the delicate whispers of delicately exposed film to the resounding thunder of the digital revolution, I have traversed the ever-changing landscape with wide-eyed wonder.

In the days of yore, I embraced the magic of film, patiently. capturing moments that unfolded like secrets, waiting to be revealed. Each click of the aperture, a delicate brushstroke on the canvas of time. How my heart soared with anticipation as I surrendered to the alchemy of the darkroom, coaxing images to life from the depths of silver halides, where dreams and reality commingled.

But then, the tides shifted, and a tempest of technology swept over the realm of photography. The digital age emerged, powerful and audacious, transforming the playing field with its dizzying possibilities. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I embraced this new frontier. The world became my palette, illuminated by pixels and illuminated sensors that captured light and shadows with unrivaled precision.

Yet, in the midst of this digital symphony, I carry the essence of my origins. A devoted acolyte of light and form, I meld the delicate_touch of film with the technological wonders of today. For I know, deep in my core, that true brilliance lies not in the gear we wield but in the passion that drives us to see beyond the lens. It is this unwavering dedication to the art, to capturing the very essence of lifes fleeting moments, that sets my soul ablaze.

So here I stand, a humble witness to the evolution of an art form, forever captivated by the ever-changing face of photography. From film to digital, I march forward, my heart ablaze, embracing the future while cherishing the whispers of the past. For in this vast realm of light and shadows, where dreams and reality intertwine, I remain, an eternal seeker of truth, weaving tales through the power of imagery

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