Michael Rocktaeschel's picture

The Forgotten Connection

"The Forgotten Connection," from the "COVID Summer Vibes" series, is a reflective glimpse into our changing world. The artwork captures three people at a beerfest, juxtaposing the vibrant celebration with personal solitude, underscoring the contrast between the festival's high spirits and the individuals' isolation. Central figures include a person with a beer mug, another holding a coronavirus-shaped balloon, and a third clutching a teddy bear—each symbolizing different pandemic life facets.

This piece encapsulates the "new normal" dilemma, where the yearning for human connection collides with the necessity of distance. The ironic portrayal of a coronavirus balloon signifies the ever-present threat, reminding us that despite the beerfest's resumption, the pandemic's shadow lingers in our minds and hearts. The teddy bear symbolizes the lost innocence and the comfort we seek in uncertain times.

The technique involves combining single images taken in 2020 with a background created by generative AI, creating a dynamic tension between past and present.

This image is to be seen in combination with "The Forgotten Festivity"

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