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Daniele, very nice Iris bloom, why the tight crop, compositional or post-process decision?
The bright spot bottom center draws the viewers eyes out of the frame, it could be easily cloned out.
Colors and exposure look right on. But I'm bias as Iris are one of my favorite flowers.

I know how difficult close-up photography can be. I find it a little bothersome the bloom appears to be flowing . I suggest either show a little more of the plant i.e. leaves and stem or go totally O'Keefe on the bloom.

Always show your best work, and work to aspire to ever better work. Learn to be your own best critic.

Thank you for feedback. I agree with bottom center spot, will work on that. I chose a tight crop because of elements around the flower I wanted to leave out, but also because I am drawn to that "in your face" look.

Glad to. Yes photography is as much elimination of elements as including what you want. And I totally hear what you are saying about "in your face" look as that is what I meant with the O'Keefe reference. I should have been more specific Georgia O'Keefe I think you might like her flower painting and several are Iris.

funny you mentioned her. We began studying her in class today (I am in school for photography). I am actually watching a video today on her work.
