Hugo Valle's picture

Gueirua Stairs

I think it was back in early 2015 when, for the first time, I decided to visit this beach. I had seen a photo of the place, typical, with a small waterfall falling from the rock, on some stones covered with moss and in the background, the already well-known mega pikes. Since then I have returned to this place on many occasions, even though it is almost an hour from Mieres to here, for me, the sunrises on this beach have something, if the conditions are good, you can return to the car with very good material in the card and a smile on your face, the same one that the lady who runs the hostel where I always end up having coffee after visiting this place offers you. This composition arose as a result of those casual photos that I had been taking with the smartphone, and I am not exaggerating at all, it was perhaps 3 or 4 years ago when I took it with the phone and since then, until last 2023, I was not able to carry it on the memory card , what I had in my head since then, well... more or less, since there is a detail, which I will not reveal, that I couldn't get in this photo... well, yes, I'm telling you, having the stairs wet

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