Joshua Moreau's picture

Fushimi Inari

Sometime in the night, somewhere lost in the tori's paths of Fushimi Inari, there are 2 lampposts that casts interesting shadows on the ground.
If you where there with me at the time, you would have seen me set up my tripod, turn on my camera and taking the picture. I found it bland .
I took an other one with a slightly different angle but I wasn't satisfied with the lack of symmetry.
Then I had the brilliant idea of setting up a long exposure, making a fool of myself flailing my phone around with a flash on sorta trying to light paint even though I had (and still have) no idea what I was doing.
I still love it though.
Shot on a canon 80d with a 18-135mm kit lens at 18mm.
25sec f/8 iso200

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