Kyle Foreman's picture

Hotel Graham

Hotel Graham in Graham, North Carolina. This photo is part of a personal project I'm working on that I'm calling "Main St. NC." My goal with the project is to photograph the many smaller historic downtowns of North Carolina focusing on and around the "Main St." area. I'm also trying to take a bit of a "modern" approach with these photos. Many of the buildings are old, built in the late 1800s and early 1900s and I wanted to try to make them look colorful and vibrant.

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Kyle, great color(s) red umbrellas could be toned down a little, detail as per usual spectacular, why so much foreground asphalt? Is that because of a project format criteria?

No I could probably crop it in some more. It's already cropped some. I thought about getting rid of more asphalt but was trying to avoid a crop that was so rectangular.

I hear you, I don’t like to cro … oh! I mean “chop” my images either, but have a time or two as a last resort. I’m a little surprised you didn’t catch it in the field although with that great lighting I know sometimes you have to shoot and keep shooting while it’s there almost on autopilot. What’s that saying shoot first ask questions (solve problems) later.

Hope all is well with you and yours post Helene!

Thanks. Luckily we're not that close to the mountains. But the mountain towns have pretty much been destroyed especially the small ones. They need all the help they can get.

When I'm shooting for this project I only have a limited amount of time/light to shoot this in the style I want. And I'm trying to get as many compositions as possible. So yeah, some of the compositions get a little sloppy. I'm also not always able to get exactly where I want due to traffic. If only I could have them shut down the town for me, haha!