Michael Kelly's picture

Winter Sunrise

Winter sunrise from Hudson Bay Mtn looking East across the Bulkly River Valley near Smithers, BC. This image, one of four she took, was taken by my 17-year-old granddaughter, Delphine, with a hand-me-down Sony NEX-6 given to her by her uncle. I edited this image with DxO PhotoLab 8 to enhance, among other adjustments, the microcontrast. This really brought out the clouds and the crystal texture of the snow. Because of the lens flare (which I love), I added some colour positive film grain with FilmPack 7.

My hope is that Delphine will continue to sharpen her eye and develop her skill.

Sony NEX-6
Sony NEX-6
16 mm · f/6.3 · 1/160 · ISO 200
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